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Category Archives: Blog Updates

Status of the blog and stuff.

Well it is official, I am going to be going to (repetitive, I know, just making sure you are reading) my aunt’s wedding. So I will be making this as special as possible and not just because of the wedding. WordPress is telling me that this is the 1000th post (not sure if it is WordPress only posts or all of those and the imports, but who cares). I will be covering the three days I will be there and if possible (well, you’ll know if I did it or not) a special video! Yep, so buckle up and hang on. I’m taking this motherfucker into overdrive.

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Grand Theft Auto IV is awesome. Pure. Fucking. Awesome.

This morning I watched the early online broadcast of Battlestar Galactica and after I went down to get ready to head out for class. I noticed that the new TV Guide came so I flipped through it and noticed a tidbit about Battlestar. Naturally I read it and dread fell upon me. They teased my senses by saying the crew count falls by one and mentioned a name in the summary. I was caught off guard and ran back upstairs to load up a Wiki site that covers the show. The page for the next episode loaded up and the text that was there was hidden to protect people from spoilers. I checked and it was what I feared. I have been fearing the loss of this character many times in the past. Now it seems like it will come true and the preview scenes for next week back it up. I will be down until next Friday.

RDM, you win. You have me by the neck.

Just to see something.

It appears that WordPress has done some redesigning and added some new gallery feature. Lets try it out, shall we?

Yeah, I’m going to need to read up more about this.

Looking over the stats for the last few days I haven’t seen a large increase. I’m hitting about my daily average. I will continue doing the Tube Tuesday thing to see if that changes. There are a few other things I am considering as I am planning on changing the blog up and decentralize it from the same stuff every post (mainly my boredom and school day). We’ll see how that goes.

Anyway, as for today, English was nothing special. We went over some more stuff to help us with the mid-term and then answered some questions on some reading. I also turned in my essay. Hopefully I get a half decent grade on it. It is not one of my best, that’s for sure. After class I spend an hour in the computer lab wasting time as usual. Only have five hours left which is nice. Speaking of computers, I have a test in my computer science class. I plan on going over the book quickly before class to make sure I somewhat understand it. I’m pretty sure it will be mostly about Visual Basic, but I guess I just have to find out.

If you are wondering about “mux” in the title, it is related to a site where you can put up twelve songs to make a mixtape for people to listen over the internet. I made one in hopes of matching aspects of my day to certain songs. You can judge it for yourself and figure out which songs they are here:

I can’t believe it has been two years since I switched over to WordPress. Doesn’t seem like that long ago. Times have changed quite a bit since this time last year. Many changes to myself and the people around me, including some new additions.

Since this time last year I have graduated from high school and ventured off to college. A big change in my everyday life. Although with this change came more responsibilities and the biggest change, loss of old friends. There are a bunch of people I do not see anymore due to going to college or moving in general. It was pretty depressing once you get to thinking about it. You spend much of your time with them in school all those years only to have them go away. College brought a few new ones along the way, although not as strong as some of the high school ones. I have also met new people through other ways. Namely Tammi, Carter, and Ashlee. Even that crazy Canadian. All good pals with them. Last year I also had to deal with the death of my grandfather but as time went on I adjusted to the change, as hard as it was. Days, weeks, months, it all came and went. Now it is 2008. It’s pretty crazy.

Considering I’ve written the epic end of the year post just three months ago my memory juices are a bit low so I won’t be picking my top ten posts of the last year. Instead you get to see pretty stats and some search results that make me feel like the FBI will pound on my door in the near future.

Blog Stats

Total Views: 9,257

Best Day Ever: 98 — Monday, February 19, 2007


Posts: 967

Comments: 200

Categories: 22

Tags: 428


Akismet has protected your site from 11,292 spam comments.

And now the search results:

my brothe fucked me
fuck me hard brother
“couldn’t take my eyes off her”
i’m going to die to night
burn everything
i need to write my fucking essay
i sucked off my brother
fuck me brother
bottle fuck
fucking outside
girl butt exams
red fuck
shooting people with shit
motherfuckin snakes
outside porn
videos of people getting raped
oldest bitches
fuck room

Thanks you fucking strange internet people. Go the fuck outside.

I am keeping my guard up tonight, this morning, whatever. It is still raining and the news has been talking about creeks in other towns spilling over so I am going to stay up for a few more hours (the rain should be letting off soon) to watch over the street and respond at first sight of anything.

The real point of this post was to explain a change I did for links. Instead of having the small list widget on the sidebar I have decided to make a page for all my links. This way it will be easier to organize and find things. I’ll be adding more over time but I added the basic ones to start with.

That’s about it. Now I need to find something to do.

2007 was a crazy year. Many things have happened and each moment had some form of meaning. From the surprises to the failures, it has been one hell of a year. So many new things in what seemed as such little time. Transitioning from a high school student to an adult in college. With so many things it is hard to choose a single place to begin, so lets look back and remember the past year.

Note: It is not my intention to offend anyone. I am just giving the details of events from my point of view or from what I remember.

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This will probably be my last post until the end of the year one (when it appears at 11:59pm on the 31st). I get to wake up early and board a train only to then board a bus and then to board another train. Should be interesting. Pictures will be taken. Depending on content I might just post a few.

Oh, and the recap will be epic.