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Tag Archives: sunday

Today has been pretty slow. I woke up at around 9am and watched TV for a bit. I also played a bit of Condemned but other than that I haven’t done much. Tomorrow I have work which I will (hopefully) be able to pick up my next paycheck. Saturday is also a work day which means I work two of the busiest days of the week. Hopefully I don’t end up on register. I like anything but working on the register. I’ll get Sunday off but then go back in on Monday. Hopefully everything goes smooth. All I know is that July needs to come on over so I can get Civilization Revolutions and spend my days conquering the world. Sounds like a good plan.

I was enjoying my day off yesterday until around 4:20pm when I received a call from one of the assistant managers asking if I could come in because one of the scheduled couldn’t show for whatever reason. I told them that I would (the extra cash is the only positive thing) and so I cleaned up and headed over. Fairly easy shift. Just one minor thing to make it less than perfect. One lady bought a phone card and when you get one a special paper prints up. I gave it to her when she was a checkout. A little later I was over at Taco Bell for lunch when one of the other guys comes over and tells me that she came in again asking for it. I told him I gave it to her so it she probably lost it or threw it out. He goes back and after lunch I check with the assistant manager about it. She tells me that the lady did a return and re-bought it to get the paper. She also told me to make sure they know what it is and I said I would. Now I get to go in today to get ready for the transfer to photo. Hopefully I deal with less annoying people. I am really going to enjoy my day off tomorrow. I don’t want to work for a fifth day straight.

Also, I get my first paycheck on Friday. Should be hefty.

On Saturday I was at the mall and finally managed to persuade the folks to let me upgrade my shitastic phone. I now am the proud owner of a Blackberry Pearl (8100). I had to upgrade (and at the same time downgrade) my plan to work with the Pearl. We dropped my 600 My Fave minutes to 300 and then added the Blackberry Ultimate Add-on (or so we thought). The guy told me it would take between 24 and 48 hours for the web package to activate. I swapped out my SIM card to the Pearl and noticed none of my contacts carried over so I ended up manually adding them later that evening. That was minor to the web package which still wasn’t active. I kept checking all Sunday with no luck.

Today I was still annoyed because it wasn’t working. After school I headed over to the local T-Mobile store to see what the fuck was wrong. I go in and tell the guy my situation. He loads up my details and asks if I called customer service when I changed the plans. I told him yes and then he said that they screwed up (go figure). So the guy goes and calls them up and takes care of business. He corrects the error and does a hard restart to my Pearl. When it booted up all the web stuff loaded instantly. 24-48 hours my ass. Just a few hours ago I bought and put in (with some trouble) a 2GB microSD card so I can put stuff on it. Now I am a happy camper.

Also, big news. I got the job at Walgreens (found out on Saturday) and start tomorrow for training and such. Should be an interesting day. I’ll have to make sure I set my phone to vibrate though. I don’t think they want to hear the Megadeth version of the Duke Nukem theme.

I am tired and bored, what a surprise.

In the last two days I have been home alone for most of the time. Yesterday my parents went to one of my dad’s co-worker’s birthday so I stayed home and my brother went to driver’s training and then spent the night at his friend’s house. Today my parents took my grandmother up to see my aunt and my brother did his last day of driver’s training. Meanwhile I was at home leveling up my rank in Call of Duty 4 and talking with the cool kids down south. I kept my dear Ashlee company throughout yesterday and today. Lots of laughs were let loose. Lots.