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Tag Archives: opposing fronts

Today was the easy day of finals. I woke up at the usual time but stayed in bed until about 9am or so. Then I messed around until it was time to head out. I was leaving early to be able to catch others who had the teacher appointment earlier than mine. I get to the parking lot of the main campus and get a call from Ashlee. We talk for a little bit as I walk over to the building where my teacher’s office was. After I get done talking to Ashlee I head in and see some of the others waiting outside her door. I make brief conversation and then see one of the people from the class walk out. The teacher sees me and remarks that I am early so she hands me a survey to do. She ends up deciding to see me earlier than my time because some people were late. I get in and see tells me that I passed the English exam (with the minimum score I might add) and the class with a solid B. She did note, however, that I am capable of an A if I put more work in. No shit? Anyway, she asks for some suggestions for next semesters class and I give her the idea of music as the topic. She told me that she had that as one of the original plans for out class but we never got around to it so she might try it next semester. I headed out of her office after the farewell and noticed “B” waiting outside the door. I leaned back on one of the walls looking over the sheets that the teacher gave me while “B” did the survey with another girl from the class. A few minutes later (and no comments whatsoever) the other girl spoke aloud one of the questions from the survey and then she was wondering what to write. I started to walk out the door when I said “Keep it simple.” She turns and asked if I passed the test and I acknowledged. She asked about the score and I said that it was an 8 (the lowest possible passing score). She said that it was good and I quickly said something about aiming for the minimum and hitting it. Oh my witty banter. It got a look from “B” as I walked out and away. Will I see her in the future? Maybe. I headed back to my car and headed home to wait for the other final of the day.

Between the time I got home and headed out again I dicked around online and attempted to play some Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts. I was doing fine until it magically crashed on me, so I went back to my online crap.

At about 2:30pm I headed down again for the counsel final. I got there early and talked with others in the class. Once it was time the teacher gave us his farewell speech and handed out the final. All we had to do was write an essay reflecting on the past semester. Piece of cake. I finished it up within an hour and turned it in. He told me good luck in whatever I end up doing. Then it was back home.

I get home to a seemingly empty house, except for my brother. Again I do stuff online and then head downstairs for the Call of Duty 4 where I ran into some teamkillers and other assholes. I leveled up to 41 which was nice. Then I did some more online stuff until Ashlee called and we talked. During the call my brother comes to me and asks me if I would take him over to one of the local high schools (not the one he nor I went/go to). I ask him why and he said that his friend is watching some concert there. Then I ask if he talked to mom about it and he said no, so I told him to call her. He comes back a few minutes later and tells me she said it was okay. I get off the phone with Ashlee and take him over. When I get back I eat some chicken noodle soup for dinner and watch Gangland on the History Channel. Halfway through the show my mom gets home and I ask her about my brother and if she said it was okay. She told me that she never got a call from him so I told her that he lied to me. She said it was okay though because a few nights ago I lied to her (although this was part of that subplot previously mentioned). So she gets all grumpy with me even though mine was minor. Then I ask her if she knows how much money I am getting for Christmas and my birthday. She asks why and I tell her that she already knew. Then she remembers it (sort of) and starts going on a rant about how the trip (I have plans to head down to Bakersfield to visit Tammi, Ashlee, and Carter for New Year’s) is dangerous and that I have never met them in person. I respond by sayng that I’ve known them for a while now and that we talk every night and even on web cam. She gets grumpier and says “I’ll take to your father.” She’s complaining for stupid reasons. She told me that the trip is too expensive but I am paying for it with the money from Christmas and my birthday. Also, I am turning 19 in less than two weeks and they still act as if I am not an adult yet. It is bullshit. I am old enough to manage most of my life without having people watch over me. I’m hoping that I can go down there, but this is not helping the plans. Tammi and myself are figuring out how to convince my parents if it comes to that point.

This weekend I will be working on some economics crap including a lengthy assignment where I have to find certain parts of economics in news articles and then write about it. I also need to finish up the homework for the final on Monday. As for the math final, I feel fine about it. And I am glad that Monday is the last day for me. I need the good break to come.

Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts.

Well my quest for COMPANY OF HEROES: OPPOSING FRONTS ended in trial and error. If the capital letters didn’t give it away, I didn’t get it. None of the stores I went to had it, but I did get something. The hype bit me in the ass and I found myself purchasing Halo 3. What have I done?

I’m home after a brief day at school, which actually felt slow and fast at the same time. Whatever. Now I have to manage my time, wisely. I need to finish up some Counsel 50 homework which should be fast but I’m to lazy to check how much I have. That should be all I have to do, I think. I’m not sure if I have English homework, but I guess I will find out tomorrow in class or by someone right before. The rest of my night is dedicated to training for COMPANY OF HEROES: OPPOSING FRONTS (no, I’m not going to stop capitalizing it until I have it, in my hands) and to watch the Heroes season premiere. If I do have some time left open I might do so math (yeah right) or study for the upcoming economics test (sure).

Tomorrow will be a good day if I get a certain something. It’s in big fucking letters. No, not Halo 3.

My weekend is over way too soon. Tomorrow is school, again. Monday is and will be another normal short day with economics in the morning and math in the afternoon. Monday night on the other hand is the return of Heroes which is awesome considering it has been a while since we last saw it. It should be interesting to see what has gone down. Tuesday will be energetic. I start it off with the lamefest called English followed by snoozefest, aka math, but after math, I mean snoozefest, I will be zooming over to some stores. Why will I be “zooming”? Well, a little game called COMPANY OF HEROES: OPPOSING FRONTS is finally out. Shame I have to sit through another class to get home and be able to play it. I might also try to get it before school but I doubt it. Wednesday, meh. Thursday will probably be another long, boring day. And then once Friday comes, my weekend will return again.

I have been feeling a bit under the weather for the last couple of days. Not sure if it is just allergies or what but it sucks. Hopefully I get better by next weekend.

On another note, I added a new graphics card to my computer. I picked up a GeForce 8500GT with 512MB of VRAM. Now, I do realize it is an entry level card for the 8000-series. In the history of owning a computer I have never gone higher. Why? I never have the money for the nice cards or the patience. But it works so I am not complaining. Plus it has capability for DirectX 10 whenever I decided to go Vista.

Lastly, if you are wondering why I haven’t said anything about Halo 3, well, I could really care less at the current moment. Eventually I’ll get it, but not now. Halo 2‘s ending pissed me off that much. I also don’t give a rat’s ass about multiplayer. I’m a single-player person.