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Tag Archives: college

After my math final tomorrow will mean the end of a my freshman year in college. It went by super fast. But as that ends I start working more and it begins with a five day streak of 7-hour closing shifts on Thursday all the way to Monday. I am going to be fucking tired.

Pain = money I guess.

On Saturday I was at the mall and finally managed to persuade the folks to let me upgrade my shitastic phone. I now am the proud owner of a Blackberry Pearl (8100). I had to upgrade (and at the same time downgrade) my plan to work with the Pearl. We dropped my 600 My Fave minutes to 300 and then added the Blackberry Ultimate Add-on (or so we thought). The guy told me it would take between 24 and 48 hours for the web package to activate. I swapped out my SIM card to the Pearl and noticed none of my contacts carried over so I ended up manually adding them later that evening. That was minor to the web package which still wasn’t active. I kept checking all Sunday with no luck.

Today I was still annoyed because it wasn’t working. After school I headed over to the local T-Mobile store to see what the fuck was wrong. I go in and tell the guy my situation. He loads up my details and asks if I called customer service when I changed the plans. I told him yes and then he said that they screwed up (go figure). So the guy goes and calls them up and takes care of business. He corrects the error and does a hard restart to my Pearl. When it booted up all the web stuff loaded instantly. 24-48 hours my ass. Just a few hours ago I bought and put in (with some trouble) a 2GB microSD card so I can put stuff on it. Now I am a happy camper.

Also, big news. I got the job at Walgreens (found out on Saturday) and start tomorrow for training and such. Should be an interesting day. I’ll have to make sure I set my phone to vibrate though. I don’t think they want to hear the Megadeth version of the Duke Nukem theme.

Today was quite a day. Started off with English which seemed to fly by and prove that I know more than most people, still. Then it was a race back to town where I got the car filled up and then headed home. When I got home I prepared myself for an interview.

Yesterday while I was playing Grand Theft Auto IV online I got a call on my cellphone. No phone number was listed so I didn’t bother answering it. They left a message so I played it. Turns out it was Walgreens responding to my online application that I filled out way back when. I called them up and got an interview scheduled. Fast-forward to today and I headed over. When I first got there I filled out the rest of the required stuff and then found the manager and headed to the back for the interview. I handed her my resume and references and then she explained everything. It seemed to go well from my perspective and then she handed me the form for the required drug test. I said my “Thank you”‘s and “Have a good day”‘s and headed off to the place. I had to go to one of the medical centers in town and got the test taken care of. So now I get to wait a few days to find out if I got the job. It’d be nice to get some income going since I am dead broke with summer closing in. I would be making $8.80 if I do get the job which rocks.

A few hours ago I accidentally smashed my knee into my door on the side of it. It is swollen and purple. I applied some ice to lessen it but it didn’t seem to work. It hurts like a bitch. Hopefully it isn’t anything serious and gets better or I am fucked. Such a crazy fucking day.

Lastly, I hope everything goes well for my good friend Lauren and her roommate. I’m here for you.

I finished up Grand Theft Auto IV this morning. The ending I got (there are two to be exact) was the happier of the two, if you can even say that. The last mission was pretty annoying but I managed to get through. Now it is on to multiplayer. Should be fun.

As for today I am typing this in my computer science class during a lecture. I could of skipped this class if I knew there would be no roll call. The teacher is talking about useless stuff that won’t be on the final so I am not bothering to listen. Later on today is my last test before the final in math. I’m hoping I can get a passing grade on it to keep my overall grade to a C. Just got to keep positive. I also need to find time tonight to write up a quick short essay about the film Crash (the racist one) for English. I don’t really give a shit about it but I will quickly bullshit it to get it out of the way. After this essay I am pretty much done with anything big until the week of the 19th when finals start. Time should fly by.

It’s the weekend before my midterm is due and I feel like crap. Stuffed nose, sore throat, headache, fever, a few aches and pain. It fucking sucks. I popped some meds earlier and continued to work on the midterm. I am pretty sure it is done but I may tweak it a bit as Tuesday gets closer. There isn’t much else I can write for it so I am semi happy with it. My computer science teacher thought it would be an awesome idea to make the last lab of the year due Wednesday so I get to make a four page website. I’ll probably end up doing that Tuesday night.

In other news I have been playing Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars lately. I managed to beat the GDI campaign so far (this is my first time doing the campaigns in the game even though I have had it for a while now). After working on the midterm I started the Nod campaign. Should be interesting.

And as for Grand Theft Auto IV, well I won’t be getting it until Wednesday or Thursday as I could only afford 2-day shipping from Gamestop and the fact I am saving gas by not going to the store. It also lets me have time to do the website as I would end up playing the game all day and forget. Although I am hoping there are no big assignments next weekend as I will be playing all damn day once it arrives. It is going to own so hard.

I finally started my English midterm this morning. As of right now I have about a page and a half done. It only needs to be five to six pages long. I will probably write up to five (including my sneaky space tactic) and use page six as the works cited page which I have building on some website. I won’t finish it all in this one weekend. I hopefully will get most of it done and see about getting the teacher to see if I cited the works correctly (I am confused for one part) and then will finish it up by the middle or end of next week before the April 29th due date. After this gets done I will be much happier, well aside from my ever falling math grade.

Looking over the stats for the last few days I haven’t seen a large increase. I’m hitting about my daily average. I will continue doing the Tube Tuesday thing to see if that changes. There are a few other things I am considering as I am planning on changing the blog up and decentralize it from the same stuff every post (mainly my boredom and school day). We’ll see how that goes.

Anyway, as for today, English was nothing special. We went over some more stuff to help us with the mid-term and then answered some questions on some reading. I also turned in my essay. Hopefully I get a half decent grade on it. It is not one of my best, that’s for sure. After class I spend an hour in the computer lab wasting time as usual. Only have five hours left which is nice. Speaking of computers, I have a test in my computer science class. I plan on going over the book quickly before class to make sure I somewhat understand it. I’m pretty sure it will be mostly about Visual Basic, but I guess I just have to find out.

If you are wondering about “mux” in the title, it is related to a site where you can put up twelve songs to make a mixtape for people to listen over the internet. I made one in hopes of matching aspects of my day to certain songs. You can judge it for yourself and figure out which songs they are here:

School started again today. Spring break is gone and waking up wasn’t easy this morning. It took me about two hours to get out of bed and when I did I didn’t do much. After getting ready I headed out. When I got to my computer science class I turned in my two Visual Basic labs and got to my station. Today’s lesson was Paint. Yes, Paint. I was bored to death as the teacher explained what you could do in it. I wanted to kill someone. After class I headed to the math lab to start on the homework due Wednesday. I managed to do the worksheet section but tomorrow and Wednesday before class I will need to do the book work for the assignment. Shouldn’t take too long, just a matter of getting myself to do it. Speaking of math class, it was a drag like usual. Nothing of interest.

Tomorrow is English which hopefully will fly by. I need to start and finish the essay for Thursday. Knowing me I will wait until Wednesday night. I’ll try to start it tomorrow if I can pull myself to do it. The mid-term is due April 29th. I’ll probably look into it next week or so. Not too worried about it.

My spring break is halfway over sadly. Guess I should get to my homework.

T’was quite the day today. Some nut attempted to shoot a girl at the school but got caught. The school was on partial lockdown until he got picked up by the cops. As for me, by the time I got there it was pretty much over. I miss everything.