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Monthly Archives: December 2007

2007 was a crazy year. Many things have happened and each moment had some form of meaning. From the surprises to the failures, it has been one hell of a year. So many new things in what seemed as such little time. Transitioning from a high school student to an adult in college. With so many things it is hard to choose a single place to begin, so lets look back and remember the past year.

Note: It is not my intention to offend anyone. I am just giving the details of events from my point of view or from what I remember.

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This will probably be my last post until the end of the year one (when it appears at 11:59pm on the 31st). I get to wake up early and board a train only to then board a bus and then to board another train. Should be interesting. Pictures will be taken. Depending on content I might just post a few.

Oh, and the recap will be epic.

Tomorrow is the day of trip readiness. I will be preparing myself for the NEW YEARS BAKOCALYPSE TRIP OF DOOM™. Packing the laptop, clothes, iPod, chargers, some DVDs, games, and whatever other items I may need. There is a 50lb limit but I think I’ll be fine.

Also, I finished typing up the end of the year post. It will be up on the 31st at a minute to midnight.

For whatever reason, ever since I have started watching Arrested Development I’ve started to notice that my life is somewhat of a comedy. These last two days have added to that theory quite well.

Yesterday I woke up knowing the day would suck. As with all holidays I would either get the choice of being with family or staying home alone. I had my mind on staying home alone for most of the day while I split my time playing Mass Effect or watching Arrested Development. Since I was already home alone I got a feel for what the rest of my day would be like. After a conversation with Tammi I decided to drag my ass over (this being after an hour long nap). I cleaned myself up and headed over. My mom, dad, grandmother, and brother were already settled and enjoying the spirit of Christmas. I got in and threw my shoes off. My mom commented about me being rude or something but I just continued on and laid back on a couch in a dark room (ironic, isn’t it?) and whipped out the laptop. Threw in AD and watched it for quite a bit. Then my dad came looking for me to tell me it was dinner time. I quickly pick myself up and head it so I could be the first out. I gathered the food that I wanted and at the same time pissed off my mom and made her comment about how I am always grumpy during the holidays (you don’t say). After ravaging the plate I headed back to continue watching. Then it was dessert. I ended up with apple and key lime pies with vanilla ice cream. Post pie time some family friends came and said hi. Minutes later I decided to head home. I told me mom and she said fine. Then my dad spoke up about I was going home because I was being anti-social. Then someone commented asking me if I was tired. My dad spoke again and said that I was going to go home and talk to Ashlee all night long. Ugh. Ok, I know a girl, thanks dad. Anyway I headed home and talked to Ashlee until about 10:30pm when she went to bed as well as myself.

I woke up at about 7am and decided to go to Best Buy to pick up Arrested Development season 3 since I got a Best Buy gift card for the same price as the DVD. I headed to my parents room and told my mom I was going and she told me “whatever” in that half-asleep tone. When I got there I had about fifteen minutes until it would open so I waited in the car listening to my iPod. While waiting a glanced at my side mirrors to notice a familiar blonde. Was it? Could it be? No way. Yes, it was indeed “B,” dressed in Best Buy work attire. She also carried the familiar Beatles handbag. I did a double take look at the mirror just to be sure. When the store opened I quickly scooped up the DVD and looked around curious as to where “B” was stationed on this day after Christmas shopping day. As I walked over towards customer service I noticed the rope for the lines that were expected (I was also have blinded by the sun as their front windows face south, morons). Then I saw the hair again. The poor thing. She was working the customer service line. Being the sly son of a bitch I am I walked around trying to get a glance just for the hell of it, but alas, none such happened. I gave up my perilous adventure and checked out. I went back home and continued my ME/AD combo of doom. Around noon Tammi and Carter arrived as they were taking me out to lunch for my *read below*. I invited Andrew along since he had yet to meet them in person. I drove us all down to the Mongolian BBQ in Fairfield and wrapped up a comedic journey with all sorts of driving fun. Lunch was full of jokes and little giggles like usual Tammi/Carter meals. We also messaged Ashlee during the time. After lunch we headed back and after dropping off Andrew the three of us talked before they headed home. Then it was back to the same routine. At about 6pm we again went to the borrowed friend’s house to have dinner. Now I’m back home with the Bako crew on webcam.

Oh yeah, I’m older today. Whoo.

Well, it is the night before Christmas. The neighbors are being dicks playing loud music and yelling like idiots, the wind is howling, the air is cold and brisk, and I am preparing myself for another crappy Christmas.  Why is it going to be crappy? I’ll tell you.

Tomorrow my dad, brother, and myself will be staying home until 5pm while my mom is going to my friend’s house (which we are using since they are out of town and are letting us use it) with my grandmother to prepare dinner. Dinner will beat 6pm and then we will all be going back home by 10pm so my dad can work the next day. The only other person who will be there  my brother’s friend. To top it off I will only be getting my Christmas present from my grandmother as I got the laptop from my parents and my other family members have yet to send me anything. That’s why it is going to suck. I’ll probably just do a massive Mass Effect session before going over to pass time and then chat with Ashlee and Tammi on the laptop while suffering the holiday dread. Sounds like a plan.

Fuck holidays.

Yesterday was another high point to my weekend. Ashlee and myself went out for shopping and ended up having a blast. I wish it never ended, but I have ordered my tickets for the trip. Now I’m just crossing my fingers that they get here on time (they ship them to me through the mail for some stupid reason). Yes, I’m crossing my fingers.

Oh yes. Today was glorious. Tammi, Carter, Ashlee, and her sister Shelby came up and we went out for lunch and chatted the time away. They also gave me some awesome cookies and even more awesome presents. I got a little Christmas tree for my room (which solves the house’s lack of one) and Ashlee gave me some Hello Kitty sheets so I don’t have to sleep in the sleeping bag. They are pink, fits the room, but it should be an interesting sleep tonight.

For the forth time this week I have had a dream that has made me question things after waking up. One is standalone while the other three, including last night’s, have been related. The standalone one was like the usual crap with some strange way for me to die. On the other the hand, the three related ones have been the most questionable. All three have the same person in them, but different situations in each. I don’t know what to make of it since the person and myself aren’t exactly friends (some should know who I am talking about). It is giving me the feeling of going insane. If this continues on I just might have to find them and become friends for closure. That would be strange as fuck though.

Is dead.

Update: Apparenty it works again Ok…

Yesterday I took my final two finals for the semester. First was economics, which started an hour earlier. It was not fun by any means. I just finished it and left. Since I had enough time between the two I went home and did stuff online. Then I headed down to math for that final. Eight pages long and since I knew I would pass the class with even a 50% on the final I did what I could and then skipped three questions which I forgot how to do. Now I am out of school until Jan. 22nd. Hell yes.

When I got home I loaded up All-Pro Football 2K8 and created a new team which will be used in the ShackLeague which I am going to compete it. Should be fun owning others with the Sacramento Annihilators.