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Tag Archives: economics

My sleeping has been shitty the last few days but last night was the worst by far. I couldn’t crash when I attempted to go to sleep at midnight. Instead I tested something with my camera which burned an hour (visit my DeviantArt page to see the results). Pretty much every hour after that I kept waking up. I eventually said fuck it and got out of bed around 7am. I hope I’m not like this tonight/tomorrow or school is going to own my soul.

As for school my grades finally were uploaded. Career planning got an A, math had a B, and economics, which I was worried about, got a C. The English class was given full credit. So I passed all my classes and got the full amount of units that I took last semester. My GPA is currently a 3.0. Now all I need to do is maintain that and I should be good.

2007 was a crazy year. Many things have happened and each moment had some form of meaning. From the surprises to the failures, it has been one hell of a year. So many new things in what seemed as such little time. Transitioning from a high school student to an adult in college. With so many things it is hard to choose a single place to begin, so lets look back and remember the past year.

Note: It is not my intention to offend anyone. I am just giving the details of events from my point of view or from what I remember.

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Yesterday I took my final two finals for the semester. First was economics, which started an hour earlier. It was not fun by any means. I just finished it and left. Since I had enough time between the two I went home and did stuff online. Then I headed down to math for that final. Eight pages long and since I knew I would pass the class with even a 50% on the final I did what I could and then skipped three questions which I forgot how to do. Now I am out of school until Jan. 22nd. Hell yes.

When I got home I loaded up All-Pro Football 2K8 and created a new team which will be used in the ShackLeague which I am going to compete it. Should be fun owning others with the Sacramento Annihilators.

Today was the easy day of finals. I woke up at the usual time but stayed in bed until about 9am or so. Then I messed around until it was time to head out. I was leaving early to be able to catch others who had the teacher appointment earlier than mine. I get to the parking lot of the main campus and get a call from Ashlee. We talk for a little bit as I walk over to the building where my teacher’s office was. After I get done talking to Ashlee I head in and see some of the others waiting outside her door. I make brief conversation and then see one of the people from the class walk out. The teacher sees me and remarks that I am early so she hands me a survey to do. She ends up deciding to see me earlier than my time because some people were late. I get in and see tells me that I passed the English exam (with the minimum score I might add) and the class with a solid B. She did note, however, that I am capable of an A if I put more work in. No shit? Anyway, she asks for some suggestions for next semesters class and I give her the idea of music as the topic. She told me that she had that as one of the original plans for out class but we never got around to it so she might try it next semester. I headed out of her office after the farewell and noticed “B” waiting outside the door. I leaned back on one of the walls looking over the sheets that the teacher gave me while “B” did the survey with another girl from the class. A few minutes later (and no comments whatsoever) the other girl spoke aloud one of the questions from the survey and then she was wondering what to write. I started to walk out the door when I said “Keep it simple.” She turns and asked if I passed the test and I acknowledged. She asked about the score and I said that it was an 8 (the lowest possible passing score). She said that it was good and I quickly said something about aiming for the minimum and hitting it. Oh my witty banter. It got a look from “B” as I walked out and away. Will I see her in the future? Maybe. I headed back to my car and headed home to wait for the other final of the day.

Between the time I got home and headed out again I dicked around online and attempted to play some Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts. I was doing fine until it magically crashed on me, so I went back to my online crap.

At about 2:30pm I headed down again for the counsel final. I got there early and talked with others in the class. Once it was time the teacher gave us his farewell speech and handed out the final. All we had to do was write an essay reflecting on the past semester. Piece of cake. I finished it up within an hour and turned it in. He told me good luck in whatever I end up doing. Then it was back home.

I get home to a seemingly empty house, except for my brother. Again I do stuff online and then head downstairs for the Call of Duty 4 where I ran into some teamkillers and other assholes. I leveled up to 41 which was nice. Then I did some more online stuff until Ashlee called and we talked. During the call my brother comes to me and asks me if I would take him over to one of the local high schools (not the one he nor I went/go to). I ask him why and he said that his friend is watching some concert there. Then I ask if he talked to mom about it and he said no, so I told him to call her. He comes back a few minutes later and tells me she said it was okay. I get off the phone with Ashlee and take him over. When I get back I eat some chicken noodle soup for dinner and watch Gangland on the History Channel. Halfway through the show my mom gets home and I ask her about my brother and if she said it was okay. She told me that she never got a call from him so I told her that he lied to me. She said it was okay though because a few nights ago I lied to her (although this was part of that subplot previously mentioned). So she gets all grumpy with me even though mine was minor. Then I ask her if she knows how much money I am getting for Christmas and my birthday. She asks why and I tell her that she already knew. Then she remembers it (sort of) and starts going on a rant about how the trip (I have plans to head down to Bakersfield to visit Tammi, Ashlee, and Carter for New Year’s) is dangerous and that I have never met them in person. I respond by sayng that I’ve known them for a while now and that we talk every night and even on web cam. She gets grumpier and says “I’ll take to your father.” She’s complaining for stupid reasons. She told me that the trip is too expensive but I am paying for it with the money from Christmas and my birthday. Also, I am turning 19 in less than two weeks and they still act as if I am not an adult yet. It is bullshit. I am old enough to manage most of my life without having people watch over me. I’m hoping that I can go down there, but this is not helping the plans. Tammi and myself are figuring out how to convince my parents if it comes to that point.

This weekend I will be working on some economics crap including a lengthy assignment where I have to find certain parts of economics in news articles and then write about it. I also need to finish up the homework for the final on Monday. As for the math final, I feel fine about it. And I am glad that Monday is the last day for me. I need the good break to come.

Today hopefully marked the end of that subplot I’ve hinted at a few times in the last few months. There was some heavy discussions to solve the problems and although some opinions may linger, most have been fixed. Both sides had their own support in terms of others to be by their side. Time will tell how well this situation defuses.

As for school Monday went by slowly at first but picked up when math came around. I mainly sent texts back and forth to Ashlee. Tuesday was the last long day of the semester. English wasn’t noteworthy at all, math was review crap, and career planning was talking. All the classes ended early so I had too much spare time during my breaks. Today was slow because of econ and the lingering situation. Math sped it up and ended early which was nice. Ashlee kept me company throughout the day. When I got home I prepared for the ultimatum talks to defuse the problem.

Tomorrow is the first day of finals, well the first of two. It will be the easiest of the two. English consists of just going down there at 11am tomorrow and talking with the teacher in her office for five to ten minutes. Yep, that’s it. Then I will be heading home as the counsel final is at 3:30pm where we have to write an essay. See, easy. Monday is the economics and math finals. I need to do as good as possible on the econ final and do the article assignments to pass the class with my current 72.5%. As for math, as long as I get a 50% on the final I will pass the class. I think I am in safe waters.

This morning between econ and math I signed up for next semester’s classes. 11 units total, 3.5 units under this semester, which is 1 unit below full-time. I’m hoping to have a job in the evening so I made sure every class was in the morning. Only one that isn’t is the next math class which ends at 2:45pm, but that is only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Tuesdays and Thursdays only have the next English class, which ends at 11am. I am also taking Computer Science which is on the same days as math only before. Should be interesting.

Time to get back to my cool girl Ashlee. I expect a giggle.

This week has had its fair share of odd and interesting moments. From unexpected to just annoyingly ironic. Enough of the wordplay, lets dive in.

Monday was the dreaded economics test that I really didn’t study for (like I study anyway). I went in, hunched over, and got to work on it. About forty-five minutes later I was done bullshitting my way through it and turned the test in. Then I left for home. I watched the news to burn time until it was that time to head off to math. In math we learned another round of crap I’ll never use again. Square roots was the name of the game and I was out like a cold turkey. Woke up at the end of class to head out. Before I left I headed over to the cafeteria to grab a drink and noticed Kel and some others. I went over and talked to Kel. We talked about different stuff. Then I left and headed for home. When I got home I did the usual things: check e-mail, various websites, a little Call of Duty 4, and some random IMs. At 6:30pm I headed to the movie theater to go see No Country for Old Men with Kathy. I kept her sick and dying self company during the wild movie it was. Confusing at times but totally worth going to see. After the movie I went home and Skyped the night away.

Tuesday, the first dreaded long day of the week.  I headed down to the main campus for English and prepared to see the results of the cause/effect essay I wrote many moons ago. After getting myself settled she comes in and talks about the lab for too long of a time like every class day. Then she tells us that she graded our essays and hands them back. I didn’t get mine and wondered why. She went on to say that some of the essays were done poorly and other related things. I planned on waiting until the end of class to question her as to the whereabouts of my essay. She then talks to us about our next essay assignment, comparison/contrast. Since I play in the clutch I really didn’t bother of thinking of an idea to write about as we were to brainstorm for the rest of the class time. After noticing me essentially twiddling my thumbs she comes over and asks me what I am writing about. I tell her I have a few ideas (like always) and she tells me I have five minutes to choose one. Within those five minutes she starts to survey the class (not poll) to figure out what they are writing about. I was third to be chosen which happened to be under the five minute limit imposed. So I tell her I would compare my expectations of No Country for Old Men with how it really turned out. Now as for me actually doing that, maybe, if I run out of other wild and crazy bullshit ideas. So class winds up and I wait to talk to the teacher about my essay. The reason? She forgot to hand it back. Crazy woman, she had me worried. Math was (should it be any surprise?) boring. We took a quiz and then learned about another section.  After that I relaxed in the library with my laptop watching Battlestar Galactica: Razor for the third time. I need my fix until March (if that even happens, stupid strike). About fifteen minutes before my last class of the day I waited outside to get some air and check my phone’s messages. One of the people from my English class walk up and starts to chat with me. As we were chatting I noticed “B” walk up, headphones on, and heading in. While still chatting with the person I kept my eye on “B” as she turned the corner to the writing lab. I thought to myself “Why couldn’t I have been slow with the damn thing!?” I tell him that I needed to go ask my teacher about something and entered pursuit mode. I peek in and see her doing the paperwork so I wait outside for someone else from my counsel class to head in before me. About ten minutes later one does but we notice the staff was having a meeting in the room so we wait for the teacher to clear it up. As we waited I noticed “B” give a few glances. I had a mixed bag of reasons for it. Maybe surprise, bewilderment, or maybe, just maybe, a sign of something else. Who knows but it brought my day slightly higher. The teacher sees us waiting and notices the meeting so we wait. The meeting ends and the people leave the room. As we pack in the class I glance out the window which faces the writing lab. This periodic glancing between us (although not directly at the same time to avoid that strange moment) lasts throughout the class time. Unlucky for me the writing lab ends twenty minutes before my class ended so a possible one-on-one conversation wasn’t possible. After class I head home and drag my way through the night until my Tuesday shows consisting of NCIS and The Unit which next week will not have no episodes possibly due to the writer’s strike (damn them). Then I Skyped away.

Today I prepared myself for the possible results to my economics test. It ended up being a 64%. Not great but way better than expected. I just need to maintain a C in that class to get a passing mark. For the rest of the time we went over the questions and answers. Went home like usual and then off to math. More discussing new sections and crap. Even though it is supposed to be a long and boring process I rushed through it by guessing what “X” equals and what do you know, I was right for every single one. Go figure. After that I head over to a Chinese place to pick up chow mein for lunch. Once I got it I headed home sat down and ate it while watching Cops. Then it was random computer fun along with a little Call of Duty 4. At 6pm I watched Mythbusters, which was another pirate special. They shot fork out of a cannon. That was cool. Now I am Skyping and IMing again. I’m that cool.

I finished up the first part of the writing lab today. A whole three or so days ahead of schedule. Now I am on part two which should take about a week and change. Hopefully it isn’t that tedious. As for the rest of my day, economics was boring, again, and math was word problems with fractions. On my way home I almost fell asleep on the freeway. That was fun.

I also wasted a whole lot of envelopes trying to do something for my counsel class. I hope I did it correctly and never have to do it again.

It has been an interesting two days to say the least. I dreaded Monday as I knew a big test in economics was before me. As usual I didn’t study or pay too much attention in class (it is not the most entertaining subject in the world). I’m not going to lie to myself, I probably bombed it which means to I need to improve on the last two tests and do well on the article assignments which I should also probably start working on since we are getting closer and closer to the end. After my usual stop at home for a few hours I headed down to the main campus for math. I learned more crap that I possibly won’t use ever again. Oh, and I had a quiz which wasn’t fun, at all. Once math was over it was to the writing lab for my first day in that supposed “Hell Hole.” I sign in just like the math lab and go over to wait. Another person from my English class came in shortly after. We both waited and one of the teachers who manages the lab called over the new people. She told us what we had to do and how to do it. The first part of the assignment was discovering the positive and negative aspects of violence. We started off by making two lists, one for positive and one for negative, with five bullets for each to cover what could come off either in the form of violence (yeah I know that doesn’t sound right, but you try wording it). Anyway, I quickly finished the list and then wait for someone to call me over and check it. That’s right. We have to get everything checked to go on. If I didn’t have to wait I surely would finish this damn lab quicker, but no. So I finally get called over and they check it off. Now I have to start a rough brainstorm for an essay paragraph about the negative aspects of violence. Easy. I fill out the form and wait another fifteen or so minutes to get it checked. The one male teacher seemed pretty cool about how I write so that made my life pretty easy. He told me what to do and took me through the next few steps. Soon I was up to the final draft section after staying in there for about two and a half hours. It was time to head home.

When I got home I check my e-mail and the sorts. I also did some homework before my Monday night TV line-up started. Chuck was good as usual and Heroes was twisting and turning as usual with a pretty major ending. Next week will fill in the gap between season one and season two. During Heroes I got a picture message from an unknown number (I found out it is from San Fransisco though) that contained a picture of a rose and the filename was “Thinking of you.jpg.” I replied with “Really?” I still haven’t gotten a reply. After that I stayed up a little bit and talked online and messed around on Myspace.

This morning I printed up the homework from last night. It took a few tries as I was attempting to figure out how to get an envelope format in OpenOffice. It was annoying to say the least. Then it was off to school.

English was first up on the schedule of doom and gloom. Today’s class would end up being the odd duckling of the day. It started with a brief discussion about starting the writing lab and she answered questions. Then it was an exercise to change incorrect thesis statements into correct ones. I breeze through the damn thing as always. A few people were asking about one in particular. The sentence was talking about the metric system of measurement. The group wanted to know if they could turn it in to a comparison with the other system of measurement, but the thing is, no one knew what the hell it was called. The teacher asked the class if anyone knew. I spoke up saying that it was the Imperial system. The teacher looked at me (I really do think she doesn’t like me) and asked if I was a math major. I told her “no” and that I hate math. A few laughs were audible. After a few moments she wasn’t sure if my answer was correct so she halts the exercise and goes online to see if I was remotely correct. Once on the internet she finds out I was indeed correct and I got a few odd looks. Oh, I am so sorry for being educated and knowing the system of measurement that the English Units are based off of. Fucking forgive me for watching the Discovery, History, Science, and Military Channel. I’ll just turn into the dumb turd that resembles so many mindless dumb fucks in this country. Anyway, as dumbfounded as I was towards this awkward shit I continued on and when the class was over I headed down to my car and picked up my math books. My first break consisted of me staying and working in the math lab for an hour burning up time and doing some work before the test comes around. Then as it got closer to noon I headed to math. I dozed off a few times as I attempted to make myself feel as if the class was going by faster. No luck. Once it was over I headed back to my car and switched out my binders as I headed back to the writing lab for day two. Today’s lab experience sucked as I waited, got my rough draft checked, had it denied, went back to fix it, waited to get checked, got checked, denied by another person, and had time run out on me. Nothing got signed today and I was pissed. The guy from the yesterday wasn’t there, but I am hoping he is there tomorrow to make my life easier and so I can move on. My counsel class was just going over some work on reference papers and envelopes as we learn the steps to get the interview when we decided to apply at a business. Some of the moments were funny but it was mostly serious. Finally my school day ended and I headed home.

I got home a little after five and found that my brother had his girlfriend over and my mom was watching the TV. The first thing I did was go to my room and do the usual things. After a half an hour or so I went downstairs and watched TV as the others left. I ended up watching three episodes of Family Guy before switching over to my Tuesday night line-up of NCIS and The Unit. NCIS was pretty interesting, but The Unit takes the cake for tonight. The previews said that one of the five would not last the episode, but who I expected to not survive was wrong. The end totally caught me off guard and next week’s episode looks to be explosive. I can’t wait.

Now with Wednesday looming over I’m hoping it will be smooth. It is looking like I will have to bullshit a pretty major paper this weekend. Hopefully I can pull it off without a problem. Also, before next Thursday comes around, I’m going to have to pull an essay for English out of my ass. Can’t be that hard. These last few weeks of school are shaping up to be hectic. I’m not aiming high, but at least forward. Let’s hope for the best.


T’was the third of November and all through the United States, except Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, all the boys and girls are setting their clocks back to gain an hour of sleep. And all the politicians are giving each other a pat on the back for pretending to save energy the last half year so they get their paychecks.

Fuck. That. Shit.

Will someone please get rid of Daylight Savings Time? I know we are going back to the normal time and all, but I don’t like this dumb shit of changing clocks every half year or so. In fact the whole points of DST in the eyes of the government is to save energy. Nice try but California has proven that we waste it as usual. Plus with the extensions of this bullshit really fucks up some electronics that can’t be patched or updated. Nice job. Now no one will know the time when all their clocks are different in the morning. It also sucks for the people who have to work an extra hour tonight. Thank you America, for fucking us over.

Back in normal land, that “subplot” I talked about a few weeks back has resurfaced bigger than ever. Big time. Now it will be getting serious and hopefully tomorrow a plan will be constructed to end it once and for all. It will be tough, but it must be done.

As for school, I have little homework this weekend but on Monday I have an economics test and the start of the lovely writing lab (pure bullshit). Now my Mondays and Wednesdays will be around two hours longer which means I will be home by 4pm instead of my usual 1:30pm. Tuesdays and Thursdays stay the same but my breaks are eaten up by the lab which is both good and bad. This lasts until December 12th. I also learned on Thursday that my English final (some big exam I have to pass to get credit for that awful class) is on a Friday in December. Fuckers. I want my Fridays. Plus the piece of shit is at 2pm and lasts until 4pm. I hate college. Also, I should probably start bullshitting a paper that is due on the 13th. I was supposed to interview two people about careers but since I am a lazy bastard and I hate doing extra shit for school, I’m just going to bullshit it as it seems doable. I can’t wait until this crap is over.

Considering the fact that I haven’t posted a decent sized post in quite some time (off the top of my head, I think the last time was the 3rd of this month), I’ve decided to sum up last week to give you a recap of one pretty random week.

Monday was the average slow day. Economics went by slow as fuck and afterwards I went home and stayed there until it was time head down to math. The math teacher decided to teach ahead so we learned new crap. After school I went home and relaxed until my Monday shows were on. Chuck was funny as always and Heroes was the usual. Slow start but an interesting ending.

Tuesday came around and I woke up at the normal time and everything to head down to English. I got there about fifteen minutes before the start of class so I did some homework in my car for ten minutes. Once it hit 9:25am I headed over to the class only to find out it was canceled for the day. That was the official start to the week of suck. So I headed back to my car and went home as I was not going to wait there for two hours until math. Fast-forward a bit and I was sitting in math class, bored as fuck, learning useless shit. After math I burned up time in the math lab rushing through the homework that was due the next day. When that was all said and done I read the Zombie Survival Guide since I never finished it. Once 3pm came around I headed towards my counseling class. Pretty average stuff. Lecture about the big project that I really need to start sometime soon. Then he told us at the end of class that Thursday class is off so we don’t have to come. After I got home I headed over to Andrew’s house to hang out. We discussed plans to head down to Bakersfield for the weekend to visit a certain friend. I told him I would have to pass this by my parents because they’re the fucking SS. He told me OK so I went home around 1 or 2am.

After getting a few hours of sleep I woke up and got my ass ready for my economics class. I haul ass to get there as usual and sit in my car as I wait. I noticed a few people from my class walking up and then turning back. I thought to myself “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” As I got to the door I noticed a sign saying that the class was canceled for the day. What the fuck? Seriously. So I got back home and wait for math. I wasn’t able to get a word in with my parents about our supposed trip during that time and headed off to math. We took the third math test which only took me about thirty minutes. Then I was off once again. Waste of a day. Once I got home I waited for the right moment to corner my mom about the trip. I told her we were going to go down to Bakersfield to see some friends for the weekend. Then she started asking me all these questions and said she was doing it because my dad would be doing the same thing when I would have to tell him. For the brief chat with my mom it seemed like I had permission from her, but I wasn’t prepared to talk to my dad. I called up Andrew and told him that I got some support for the trip but I was in danger of being denied. Then he told me that he hasn’t even asked his mom yet. “Fuck” popped into mind. After the call I just took refuge in my room for the rest of the night as my mom talked to my dad and such. She somehow convinced him that it would be fine and I’m old enough to do partly what I want or some such nonsense. As I waited and waited to hear back from Andrew I ended up taking a well deserved power nap. When I came to I saw him online and messaged him. He told me that it was a no-go. I wasn’t in the mood to tell my parents that so I just let them assume it was still on for the rest of the day.

Before school Thursday morning my mom walked by and I told her it was off for now. She said OK. I went on with my day and went to English where we got our essays back. I actually got a B- which is better than the bullshit C- I got last time. Then we went over some worksheet for the rest of the time. The blonde girl I’ve had my eyes on kept looking over at me since the teacher moved me up to “join the group.” That made my day seem better. Once that bullshit was over I burned up more time in the math lab but instead of math I started World War Z. Once I hit the time I was aiming for I booked it and left. Math class went by fairly smooth. I actually stayed awake for once. Surprise, surprise. Since the counseling class was canceled I headed home. When I got there my mom handed me Ace Combat 6 as I asked her to go get it (I somehow convinced her it would be part of the Christmas/Birthday present bullshit I have to deal with). I noticed my brother was playing Guitar Hero II on the 360. I told him he was an idiot because he already has it for the PS2 and Guitar Hero III is coming out on Tuesday. Dumbass. He also ended up getting Skate because it was his birthday. Whatever. I ended up having to wait until about 4pm to be able to actually play. Then I had to get off at 5pm so my dad could watch the World Series. Lame.

I woke up and had to sit through the bullshit of my mom watching her pre-recored crap before I could play more AC6. It took about three fucking hours. Around noon I took a break and did other things while my brother played his games. Then I got back on around 6pm. Sometime around there Andrew and Christina came by and wanted to borrow some of my DVDs to watch. He wanted to show her the Ghost in the Shell movies (the ones not related to Stand Alone Complex). I ended up going over to his house and watched both with them. There is an entire “subplot” if you will to this, but I don’t feel like going into detail about it as it is still ongoing. After all that I went home around 12am and messaged a certain someone.

Now for yesterday. Ace Combat 6 was finished in the morning and I started a continue campaign on Hard so I could unlock the superjet. Then I did other things to round out the day. I got a message at about 7pm that Andrew wanted a few of us to play Halo 3 after he did somethings, which shouldn’t take long. Our mutual friend and myself did a few warm-up rounds as we waited. After about an hour we messaged Andrew to see what was up but got no answer. Hours went by and we just continued on. Aggravation sounds pretty good to sum it all up. Then around midnight he popped on and made it look like nothing. I ended up playing on two or three more rounds and then got off for the night. I was Haloed out after 6 hours.

As for today, it’s been slow and nothing major has happened. All I really have to do today, or what is left of this day, is to finish up some work for this week. I’m waiting to hear if our economics test is going to be pushed off until the next week so I don’t have to worry with that “missing” class we had.

Also, I am awaiting for the “subplot” to come to an end.