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Tag Archives: new years

Is it already the end of the month? It seems as if New Years was only last week or so. I guess school is helping the days fly by even though it is five days a week now and making me sleepy. Some trade-off.

Yesterday was no exception. Computer Science was a bore do to the fact that I had to learn binary for the fifth time. Apparently simple math is too hard to grasp for some people. After class I switched out books and met Sable in the math lab. I read the stuff from the lecture I slept through on Monday and helped her with the practice problems (which I refuse to do because I get no credit for them). I was out cold during the second half of the class yesterday to continue the streak. The teacher is so damn boring. Not to mention math is boring as well. A lose-lose if you ask me.

Hopefully today’s English class will zoom by.

I’m back from my (insert trip name). It was quite the time. I enjoyed being with awesome friends and it was even better that I was far from home and on my own for the travel portions. Enough talk, let’s get to the details.


The first day was mostly traveling. My parents took me to the Amtrak station in Suisun at about 8am. We waited for the train which came at about 8:30am. I said my goodbyes and boarded. The train left and headed towards Sacramento. Once the train arrived in Sacramento I departed and waited in the station for about an hour to wait for the bus I had to take down to Stockton. In the station I noticed all sorts of people including one girl who I thought was a porn star. I was confused which because she looked like a couple. I thought it would be weird to go up and ask “Are you a porn star?” Yeah. There was also a bird walking around inside the station back and forth. When the time came to board the bus I did so. It was a pretty uneventful ride all the way down to Stockton aside from one brief stop in Lodi or something. The Stockton station was pretty trashy but I only had to wait for about twenty minutes for the train to come. This would be the train that would take me down to Bakersfield. It pulled up and everyone got on. I mainly sat back and listened to my iPod as we passed farm after farm and small town after small town. My butt got sore as hell. When the four and a half hour ride was over I was in Bakersfield. Tammi and Ashlee soon came to collect me and we rode off towards Ashlee’s house to pick up things. I met a lot of her animals and her parents while over there. Then it was off to Tammi’s house. Carter was out working so he wasn’t around to hang out. A little later and the three of us headed to PF Changs where we had all sorts of Chinese food. Ashlee and Tammi joked with me about me being the only one using a fork instead of chop sticks. After dinner we headed back to the house and laid on the big bed watching TV and talking. I ended up heading to bed at about midnight or so.


The next morning I woke up and being as I was the first awake as usual I turned on the laptop and did my usual morning internet activities. A little while later and Ashlee comes in and hangs out with me on the bed. Carter woke up (he came home at 4am or so) and started to cook up some kind of breakfast as Ashlee and myself watched. Tammi eventually woke up and joined us. Carter made eggs and toast which we ate. Carter had to head back out to work to finish things up while Tammi, Ashlee, and myself went around to prepare for our little New Years Eve party. Interestingly enough I forgot some of what we did during the daylight hours of the day, so I am going to skip towards the night activities. Carter got back sometime in the evening and we got the stuff ready for the party. It began with a marathon session of the Mario edition of Dance Dance Revolution in which Tammi started off but got tired so Ashlee finished it up. Carter also had his doings. After that we gathered on the couch and watched the news and the New Years Rockin’ Eve with zombie Dick Clark. At around 11pm the girls went into the bedroom leaving Carter and me still watching TV. The duo came back and surprised us with their attire. Needless to say Carter and I both gave that night the “Best New Years” award. Once the clock struck midnight we ran out and popped poppers, blew into the blower things, and lit some sparklers. Good times. At about 2am it was time to crash. I headed to bed and a few minutes later I had another nice surprise.


In the morning Ashlee and I were again on the bed and I headed to the bathroom to get myself cleaned up. After the shower I loaded up the laptop to check things when I heard Ashlee head out the front door. Tammi told me she went back to her house because her mom called. Carter was already out doing some paperwork for work. As Tammi and myself were on the couch messing around on our laptops Tammi got a text message from Ashlee saying that she was crying and that one of the cats was sick. Tammi and me looked at each other confused. Another few text messages later and we learned that one of the cats they had died. Ashlee told us that she would meet up with us later in the day. Tammi and myself sat helpless. Carter came back to the house and we told him the news. An hour or two later Ashlee came back and after some talking we went out for shopping. We stopped at Mervyns and the Burlington Coat Factory. Afterwards we had dinner at Applebees. Then it was back home were we played Disney Scene It. Carter and myself were on one team while the girls were on the other. Being the one with the lowest Disney knowledge I felt a bit capped, but Carter and me ended up winning and the girls felt cheated. Winnie the Pooh was put on and a little in to it Carter fell asleep. I dozed on and off as the girls colored and watched. We headed to bed not long after.


In the morning Tammi made pancakes and bacon. She tried out pineapple pancakes and banana pancakes. Both were interesting. We prepared for our small trip down to Valencia (if I remember correctly it got nuked by terrorists in episode four of season six in 24) but before we left we stopped at a sushi place and I had my first offering of sushi in my life. It was strange but good for the most part. We then headed down to Valencia. As we battled the high winds on the freeway through the mountains the car ride was filled with laughter as we joked around. When we got to Valencia we stopped at Ben and Jerry’s and got ice cream and the girls got lip balm. The next stop was the mall. We visited a bunch of stores and rode the carousel until it was dinner time. For dinner we went to an Italian place called Buca’s where they serve family style dishes (read: big). After dinner there was a quick stop at BevMo for some things for Carter’s mom and Ashlee’s mom. Then it was back on the freeway to home. We stopped at Carter’s parent’s house to drop off the stuff we got at BevMo and had a brief chat. Back at the house Ashlee headed home for the night and Carter and myself played with the computers before I ended up going to sleep.


This morning I woke up and went on my laptop while waiting for Tammi and Carter to get out of bed. The two of them got ready so we could catch lunch before I left. While Carter was trying out my copy of Mass Effect Ashlee came by. We then headed out and ate at A&W. After lunch we headed to the train station for a somber goodbye as I got hugs before boarding the train for a long ride home. The train ride wasn’t too bad. When I got off in Suisun my parents picked me up and drove me home.


I could sleep for a while now.

Today marks the last few hours of my NEW YEARS BAKOCALYPSE TRIP OF DOOM™. It has been quite a trip. I will be boarding one of two trains that will take me home at about 1:20pm. According to my Amtrak printout I should be back home a little after 8:30pm. I’ll probably do the write-up tomorrow although some details may be cut/edited because I want to keep some of the awesomeness to myself and those around me. I’m cool like that.

2007 was a crazy year. Many things have happened and each moment had some form of meaning. From the surprises to the failures, it has been one hell of a year. So many new things in what seemed as such little time. Transitioning from a high school student to an adult in college. With so many things it is hard to choose a single place to begin, so lets look back and remember the past year.

Note: It is not my intention to offend anyone. I am just giving the details of events from my point of view or from what I remember.

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This will probably be my last post until the end of the year one (when it appears at 11:59pm on the 31st). I get to wake up early and board a train only to then board a bus and then to board another train. Should be interesting. Pictures will be taken. Depending on content I might just post a few.

Oh, and the recap will be epic.

Tomorrow is the day of trip readiness. I will be preparing myself for the NEW YEARS BAKOCALYPSE TRIP OF DOOM™. Packing the laptop, clothes, iPod, chargers, some DVDs, games, and whatever other items I may need. There is a 50lb limit but I think I’ll be fine.

Also, I finished typing up the end of the year post. It will be up on the 31st at a minute to midnight.

Yesterday I took my final two finals for the semester. First was economics, which started an hour earlier. It was not fun by any means. I just finished it and left. Since I had enough time between the two I went home and did stuff online. Then I headed down to math for that final. Eight pages long and since I knew I would pass the class with even a 50% on the final I did what I could and then skipped three questions which I forgot how to do. Now I am out of school until Jan. 22nd. Hell yes.

When I got home I loaded up All-Pro Football 2K8 and created a new team which will be used in the ShackLeague which I am going to compete it. Should be fun owning others with the Sacramento Annihilators.

Oh, it has been an interesting day. Started it with some Call of Duty 4 and then the parents wanted to ask question about my New Year’s Rockin’ Trip and I was like “Hells naw” and made up a fact sheet. Then they were like “no way!?” And then I was like “OH YEAH!” Then there was an odd conversation and then more Call of Duty 4. Yeah.

Today was the easy day of finals. I woke up at the usual time but stayed in bed until about 9am or so. Then I messed around until it was time to head out. I was leaving early to be able to catch others who had the teacher appointment earlier than mine. I get to the parking lot of the main campus and get a call from Ashlee. We talk for a little bit as I walk over to the building where my teacher’s office was. After I get done talking to Ashlee I head in and see some of the others waiting outside her door. I make brief conversation and then see one of the people from the class walk out. The teacher sees me and remarks that I am early so she hands me a survey to do. She ends up deciding to see me earlier than my time because some people were late. I get in and see tells me that I passed the English exam (with the minimum score I might add) and the class with a solid B. She did note, however, that I am capable of an A if I put more work in. No shit? Anyway, she asks for some suggestions for next semesters class and I give her the idea of music as the topic. She told me that she had that as one of the original plans for out class but we never got around to it so she might try it next semester. I headed out of her office after the farewell and noticed “B” waiting outside the door. I leaned back on one of the walls looking over the sheets that the teacher gave me while “B” did the survey with another girl from the class. A few minutes later (and no comments whatsoever) the other girl spoke aloud one of the questions from the survey and then she was wondering what to write. I started to walk out the door when I said “Keep it simple.” She turns and asked if I passed the test and I acknowledged. She asked about the score and I said that it was an 8 (the lowest possible passing score). She said that it was good and I quickly said something about aiming for the minimum and hitting it. Oh my witty banter. It got a look from “B” as I walked out and away. Will I see her in the future? Maybe. I headed back to my car and headed home to wait for the other final of the day.

Between the time I got home and headed out again I dicked around online and attempted to play some Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts. I was doing fine until it magically crashed on me, so I went back to my online crap.

At about 2:30pm I headed down again for the counsel final. I got there early and talked with others in the class. Once it was time the teacher gave us his farewell speech and handed out the final. All we had to do was write an essay reflecting on the past semester. Piece of cake. I finished it up within an hour and turned it in. He told me good luck in whatever I end up doing. Then it was back home.

I get home to a seemingly empty house, except for my brother. Again I do stuff online and then head downstairs for the Call of Duty 4 where I ran into some teamkillers and other assholes. I leveled up to 41 which was nice. Then I did some more online stuff until Ashlee called and we talked. During the call my brother comes to me and asks me if I would take him over to one of the local high schools (not the one he nor I went/go to). I ask him why and he said that his friend is watching some concert there. Then I ask if he talked to mom about it and he said no, so I told him to call her. He comes back a few minutes later and tells me she said it was okay. I get off the phone with Ashlee and take him over. When I get back I eat some chicken noodle soup for dinner and watch Gangland on the History Channel. Halfway through the show my mom gets home and I ask her about my brother and if she said it was okay. She told me that she never got a call from him so I told her that he lied to me. She said it was okay though because a few nights ago I lied to her (although this was part of that subplot previously mentioned). So she gets all grumpy with me even though mine was minor. Then I ask her if she knows how much money I am getting for Christmas and my birthday. She asks why and I tell her that she already knew. Then she remembers it (sort of) and starts going on a rant about how the trip (I have plans to head down to Bakersfield to visit Tammi, Ashlee, and Carter for New Year’s) is dangerous and that I have never met them in person. I respond by sayng that I’ve known them for a while now and that we talk every night and even on web cam. She gets grumpier and says “I’ll take to your father.” She’s complaining for stupid reasons. She told me that the trip is too expensive but I am paying for it with the money from Christmas and my birthday. Also, I am turning 19 in less than two weeks and they still act as if I am not an adult yet. It is bullshit. I am old enough to manage most of my life without having people watch over me. I’m hoping that I can go down there, but this is not helping the plans. Tammi and myself are figuring out how to convince my parents if it comes to that point.

This weekend I will be working on some economics crap including a lengthy assignment where I have to find certain parts of economics in news articles and then write about it. I also need to finish up the homework for the final on Monday. As for the math final, I feel fine about it. And I am glad that Monday is the last day for me. I need the good break to come.

College is winding down. Slowly. I wish it would just end. It seems like my last day is December 17th. Ugh.

As for the end of the year post, it is at 3117 words so far. Still got a few things to add and even when I finish, it won’t appear until New Year’s Eve.