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Tag Archives: career planning

My sleeping has been shitty the last few days but last night was the worst by far. I couldn’t crash when I attempted to go to sleep at midnight. Instead I tested something with my camera which burned an hour (visit my DeviantArt page to see the results). Pretty much every hour after that I kept waking up. I eventually said fuck it and got out of bed around 7am. I hope I’m not like this tonight/tomorrow or school is going to own my soul.

As for school my grades finally were uploaded. Career planning got an A, math had a B, and economics, which I was worried about, got a C. The English class was given full credit. So I passed all my classes and got the full amount of units that I took last semester. My GPA is currently a 3.0. Now all I need to do is maintain that and I should be good.

2007 was a crazy year. Many things have happened and each moment had some form of meaning. From the surprises to the failures, it has been one hell of a year. So many new things in what seemed as such little time. Transitioning from a high school student to an adult in college. With so many things it is hard to choose a single place to begin, so lets look back and remember the past year.

Note: It is not my intention to offend anyone. I am just giving the details of events from my point of view or from what I remember.

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You should have noticed that I haven’t posted very much about school and that I really haven’t posted much at all in the last week or so. College has been sucking my life away along with other things I have been doing. I am barely home these days and have been out until late at night. I guess I can talk about my classes now since I have some time on my hands.

The first class I have for the week is economics. The teacher is a former businessman who just happens to ride a motorcycle. He likes to joke a little bit, but not too much. Seems like a fun guy and the class looks like it will be interesting. I only know one person in the class, which is good considering that it is the only one of my classes not at the main campus.

Next is math. The math teacher gets to the point and goes in to detail about whatever he happens to be teaching that day. So far we are doing basic shit so I usually just want to go to sleep. We also get homework everyday which kind of sucks, but apparently it is not required. Whatever.

My English class is not a usual English class. It is more focused on writing than anything else and later on in the semester we get a nice six hour a week lab that is required and not to mention we have to take a test and get a damn good grade to even get credit for the course. The teacher is your average old lady English teacher. We’ll see how that works out.

And finally there is my career planning class which seems like it will be the most interesting and entertaining one of the semester. The teacher is full German. Born there and everything. He speaks English as his second language but speaks it without an accent or anything. Funny guy who can mix humor with serious talk pretty easily. Even though the class is late in the day I look forward to it on those days.

That’s about it for now. I’ll try and conjure up a story for you people in a bit.