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Tag Archives: ipod

This morning was a slow start to my day. I was slow to get out of bed and do the reading for today’s class. I got out of the house with enough time to get down to the campus without running to class. During English some of the other students read off their short essays to the teacher. I pretty much zoned myself out for a bit. After that we discussed a short story by George Orwell. We managed to get half of it done before the class ended, although we have to do some of it for homework. Lame. The teacher also admitted what I have been suspecting. He is in fact Canadian. I fucking knew it. I headed home to an empty house.

The first thing I did when I got in was check some sites and my e-mail. I ate some lunch while watching TV, mainly part of an X-Files episode. Played a little Battlefield 2 and then I started to feel tired and bored so I fell on the bed and stayed there until my mom came home. A little later on and I got an IM from Tammi and she was talking about her troubles with organizing her music collection. This inspired me to do the same. I switched around some folders and organized albums under the artist’s main folder. This should help my new media player see my music easier. After sorting my music I loaded up Songbird which I have been playing with (it is still in beta). Songbird is from the same people who created Firefox and Thunderbird so I know it will kick more ass as time goes on. A few minutes and all my music was set. All it needs for me to be even happier with it is the plugin. You won’t be seeing any updates on it until one comes out, although you still might see updates from my iPod when I plug it in to iTunes (I need to remake my playlists due to my organizing efforts, stupid Apple).

As for now I am just relaxing for the night talking with Tammi and dreading math tomorrow. I’m sure it will suck like always.

I’m back from my (insert trip name). It was quite the time. I enjoyed being with awesome friends and it was even better that I was far from home and on my own for the travel portions. Enough talk, let’s get to the details.


The first day was mostly traveling. My parents took me to the Amtrak station in Suisun at about 8am. We waited for the train which came at about 8:30am. I said my goodbyes and boarded. The train left and headed towards Sacramento. Once the train arrived in Sacramento I departed and waited in the station for about an hour to wait for the bus I had to take down to Stockton. In the station I noticed all sorts of people including one girl who I thought was a porn star. I was confused which because she looked like a couple. I thought it would be weird to go up and ask “Are you a porn star?” Yeah. There was also a bird walking around inside the station back and forth. When the time came to board the bus I did so. It was a pretty uneventful ride all the way down to Stockton aside from one brief stop in Lodi or something. The Stockton station was pretty trashy but I only had to wait for about twenty minutes for the train to come. This would be the train that would take me down to Bakersfield. It pulled up and everyone got on. I mainly sat back and listened to my iPod as we passed farm after farm and small town after small town. My butt got sore as hell. When the four and a half hour ride was over I was in Bakersfield. Tammi and Ashlee soon came to collect me and we rode off towards Ashlee’s house to pick up things. I met a lot of her animals and her parents while over there. Then it was off to Tammi’s house. Carter was out working so he wasn’t around to hang out. A little later and the three of us headed to PF Changs where we had all sorts of Chinese food. Ashlee and Tammi joked with me about me being the only one using a fork instead of chop sticks. After dinner we headed back to the house and laid on the big bed watching TV and talking. I ended up heading to bed at about midnight or so.


The next morning I woke up and being as I was the first awake as usual I turned on the laptop and did my usual morning internet activities. A little while later and Ashlee comes in and hangs out with me on the bed. Carter woke up (he came home at 4am or so) and started to cook up some kind of breakfast as Ashlee and myself watched. Tammi eventually woke up and joined us. Carter made eggs and toast which we ate. Carter had to head back out to work to finish things up while Tammi, Ashlee, and myself went around to prepare for our little New Years Eve party. Interestingly enough I forgot some of what we did during the daylight hours of the day, so I am going to skip towards the night activities. Carter got back sometime in the evening and we got the stuff ready for the party. It began with a marathon session of the Mario edition of Dance Dance Revolution in which Tammi started off but got tired so Ashlee finished it up. Carter also had his doings. After that we gathered on the couch and watched the news and the New Years Rockin’ Eve with zombie Dick Clark. At around 11pm the girls went into the bedroom leaving Carter and me still watching TV. The duo came back and surprised us with their attire. Needless to say Carter and I both gave that night the “Best New Years” award. Once the clock struck midnight we ran out and popped poppers, blew into the blower things, and lit some sparklers. Good times. At about 2am it was time to crash. I headed to bed and a few minutes later I had another nice surprise.


In the morning Ashlee and I were again on the bed and I headed to the bathroom to get myself cleaned up. After the shower I loaded up the laptop to check things when I heard Ashlee head out the front door. Tammi told me she went back to her house because her mom called. Carter was already out doing some paperwork for work. As Tammi and myself were on the couch messing around on our laptops Tammi got a text message from Ashlee saying that she was crying and that one of the cats was sick. Tammi and me looked at each other confused. Another few text messages later and we learned that one of the cats they had died. Ashlee told us that she would meet up with us later in the day. Tammi and myself sat helpless. Carter came back to the house and we told him the news. An hour or two later Ashlee came back and after some talking we went out for shopping. We stopped at Mervyns and the Burlington Coat Factory. Afterwards we had dinner at Applebees. Then it was back home were we played Disney Scene It. Carter and myself were on one team while the girls were on the other. Being the one with the lowest Disney knowledge I felt a bit capped, but Carter and me ended up winning and the girls felt cheated. Winnie the Pooh was put on and a little in to it Carter fell asleep. I dozed on and off as the girls colored and watched. We headed to bed not long after.


In the morning Tammi made pancakes and bacon. She tried out pineapple pancakes and banana pancakes. Both were interesting. We prepared for our small trip down to Valencia (if I remember correctly it got nuked by terrorists in episode four of season six in 24) but before we left we stopped at a sushi place and I had my first offering of sushi in my life. It was strange but good for the most part. We then headed down to Valencia. As we battled the high winds on the freeway through the mountains the car ride was filled with laughter as we joked around. When we got to Valencia we stopped at Ben and Jerry’s and got ice cream and the girls got lip balm. The next stop was the mall. We visited a bunch of stores and rode the carousel until it was dinner time. For dinner we went to an Italian place called Buca’s where they serve family style dishes (read: big). After dinner there was a quick stop at BevMo for some things for Carter’s mom and Ashlee’s mom. Then it was back on the freeway to home. We stopped at Carter’s parent’s house to drop off the stuff we got at BevMo and had a brief chat. Back at the house Ashlee headed home for the night and Carter and myself played with the computers before I ended up going to sleep.


This morning I woke up and went on my laptop while waiting for Tammi and Carter to get out of bed. The two of them got ready so we could catch lunch before I left. While Carter was trying out my copy of Mass Effect Ashlee came by. We then headed out and ate at A&W. After lunch we headed to the train station for a somber goodbye as I got hugs before boarding the train for a long ride home. The train ride wasn’t too bad. When I got off in Suisun my parents picked me up and drove me home.


I could sleep for a while now.

2007 was a crazy year. Many things have happened and each moment had some form of meaning. From the surprises to the failures, it has been one hell of a year. So many new things in what seemed as such little time. Transitioning from a high school student to an adult in college. With so many things it is hard to choose a single place to begin, so lets look back and remember the past year.

Note: It is not my intention to offend anyone. I am just giving the details of events from my point of view or from what I remember.

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Tomorrow is the day of trip readiness. I will be preparing myself for the NEW YEARS BAKOCALYPSE TRIP OF DOOM™. Packing the laptop, clothes, iPod, chargers, some DVDs, games, and whatever other items I may need. There is a 50lb limit but I think I’ll be fine.

Also, I finished typing up the end of the year post. It will be up on the 31st at a minute to midnight.

Today has been like the experience of falling down a set of stairs. At first you feel as if you are on top of the world, but at the end you feel hurt and life kicks the shit out of you. Doesn’t that sound fun?

It started as an average school day (yeah, overused, fucking sue me). My phone and clock alarms woke me up at 6am. I turned on my monitor to brighten my day (literally) and started to do some homework. After finishing it up I played some Call of Duty 4 online with Team Hardcore. Two quick games and I managed to do decently well with my G3 and red dot attachment. After the two games I switched over to the news and ate breakfast. Then I went back to CoD4 and did a few levels of the arcade mode. Once that was all over I printed up the homework and got myself prepared for the last day of school for the week. Knowing I finished my lab yesterday, I felt invincible.

The drive to school was the same old routine I am use to. Parked in my usual row. Put up the window shades and placed the parking pass in front. Prepared the iPod for maximum listening potential. It was off to English. While walking to the Humanities building I felt a strange vibe as if something would happen today. I shrugged it off as nothing and continued on.

As I walked in the hallway to the building I noticed my teacher down the hall talking with another person and since I didn’t see the usual person I talk to before class, I headed in. One of the girls in the class was already seated. I headed to the back corner where my domain was. The roller chair was settled right near my desk like always. At the five minute mark until class started I wrapped up my headphones and prepared my iPod for pocket entry as the remaining students filed to their seats. The teacher walks in with her usual greeting and I break the routine slightly to give her the progress slip mentioning that I finished the writing lab. She tells me good job and the likes. I hear the others in the background chatter, some surprised. I head back to my seat. The teacher then starts to do the roll. Once she finishes she talks to the class about the writing lab and how everyone is progressing. No mention of my completion whatsoever. After the chat she gives us an assignment to do. A quiz to see how well we remember what we have learned in the class so far. I quickly go through it and sit back as if powerful. The teacher notices this gesture and walks down the isle to me. She asks if I am done and I tell her yes. She starts to look at my quiz and says that I was supposed to not only correct the sentences, but rewrite them as well. Slightly phased by this attack towards my superior might, I regain myself and work on fixing my mistake. Once everyone was done she told us that we were going to pair off into groups and make sure everyone is “on the same page.” I wondered to myself what soul would have the chance of being paired up with me. This is when the routine was thrown out the window and bliss went through my veins. It finally happened. I never though I would have this chance. Never expected it. I was paired up with “B” (withholding the name for various reasons, aka, to cover my ass). The teacher threw in that I would have to leave my “zone.” I grabbed my pencil and paper and headed over. “Don’t do anything stupid” went through my mind as I moved a seat closer to her’s. I took a seat in the desk and my voice was locked up. How do I start? I wasn’t prepared for this. She made the first move and asked about the first question on our quiz. My voice suddenly woke from its shock and answered. We made it through the quiz and during our wait for the others to finish I threw out the first move. I asked her how the lab was going for her. She said that she was on part two and then asked back about me finishing it. She seemed surprised but I told her that I went four days a week and she understood. She only goes twice a week due to her working. I told her about part three and then threw in a bonus for her. For part two, I told her, some of the answers for a few problems are already in the packet. So I told her to check for the one she was on when she goes back. She seemed happy about that. Then we talked about winding up in the class, one of the lower English courses. We both seem to be above the class’s level and I mentioned that all we need to do now is pass the CME (some fancy English exam name). She mentioned that someone told her it was easy. Before the teacher started going over the quiz I threw another stab at a conversation. I talked about the time I wrote an essay about bullshitting essays for my high school rhetoric class (yeah, that essay) and that I wrote it as a joke for the teacher. She thought it was “awesome.” I felt good. It was like I just scored some brownie points. The teacher than started the review and both of us ended up getting them all right (in our own ways). She then ended class early and “B” and I had to part ways. Still feeling the high of the moment I left the class in a good mood.

After getting out of English I headed for my car to swap books as the routine got back on course. I popped the trunk and threw my English binder in and grabbed my math gear. As I had about an hour before class I found one of my comrades and engaged in conversation about various subjects. Then it was on to math, like clockwork.

The math teacher prepared a quiz on the board for us covering the last few sections we have studied. It took me about ten minutes to finish and I turn it in as I wait for others to finish, just like always. After everyone is done he goes over it on the board. As usual I miss one point here and half a point there due to stupid mistakes that I always tell myself I will remember to fix. Next was a new section to learn. I dozed off a few minutes into the lesson and wake myself towards the end. Even though we only went over four problems the teacher decided to let us out twenty minutes early as a gift for Thanksgiving break. I gladly took advantage.

After the class I headed to his office door and check my grade. It had fallen 5% due to the last test. I told myself that I better do some improvement on the next test. Then I headed to the math lab where I endured an hour of boredom like all the other times I have gone there. Once an hour was up I headed out to my car again to swap books and binders. I grabbed my counsel binder and headed back. With an hour remaining I decided to relax and lay down on the grassy hill (also known as “Hill 1400”) under the trees. I closed my eyes and listened to my iPod until there were fifteen minutes remaining until my last class of the day would start. I got my ass up and headed over.

Since I didn’t see anyone waiting in the class, I decided to stand outside until someone took the lead for me. One of the former students from my high school approached and asked if I was waiting because of a possible meeting in our classroom (this happened to us last week). I told her no and we headed to the room. As I got in she asked if we had anything due and I told her it was just the cover letter rough draft. I pull it out and place it on his “mobile desk.” When then decide to chat as we waited for the teacher or others to arrive. We talked about the class and how it could be boring. Right before the teacher came in she asked if I actually interviewed people for our research paper. I quickly said no right as the teacher came in the door. It appeared he didn’t hear us which was a relief. He said hi and wondered if we were the only ones coming today (as a joke). The other poured in and the teacher joked to me about the people who usually sit near me being absent. I jokingly replied “it happens.” We got on with the people who were absent last week reading off their research papers. This happened until the end of the class time. The teacher told us to have a happy Thanksgiving and to be nice to people. I headed out.

As soon as I got out the class I looked for my friend (the one I talked to during the first break) as he needed a ride. We headed off and turned on to the freeway which was packed as usual. I made my way on and out of the lane I didn’t want to end up in. Driving normally through traffic I made my way a few miles from the school when a big rig swerved into my lane forcing me to swerve my car into the lane on my left. The truck’s back tires almost hit the passenger side as I avoided other cars on my side. After the truck sped up I quickly got back in the lane. My friend and I were shocked as fuck. Our hearts beating like mad. As we regained our calm we continued on. We noticed the truck continuing his rampage through the traffic and kept our distance. My friend pointed out that he looked high, which was probably the case. We got safely back to town and I dropped him off at his house. It was time for me to go home.

I get in and my dad is watching the news. I tell him about my day and he jokes like usual. In my room I unloaded everything off my person and went back down to watch the news. I was tired and felt crappy as I remembered that I forgot “B”‘s last name and wasn’t able to get some kind of contact information. An hour later and my parents and brother leave for their Scottish club meeting leaving me home alone. I watched Live Free or Die Hard unrated edition. It was nice to hear the swearing back in along with juicy blood. That made my day slightly better. Near the end I get a text from Andrew asking me if I would help him move tomorrow evening (that’s a whole other issue). I agreed and finished the movie. After the movie I went up to my room and did the usual internet things.

Now I’m typing this up and talking on AIM with a good friend (you know who you are) and suffering from a killer headache. I loaded up on Tylenol and can’t take anymore. Hopefully it goes away soon. My head really does feel like I fell down some stairs.

I’m hoping tomorrow is better.