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Tag Archives: spring break

School started again today. Spring break is gone and waking up wasn’t easy this morning. It took me about two hours to get out of bed and when I did I didn’t do much. After getting ready I headed out. When I got to my computer science class I turned in my two Visual Basic labs and got to my station. Today’s lesson was Paint. Yes, Paint. I was bored to death as the teacher explained what you could do in it. I wanted to kill someone. After class I headed to the math lab to start on the homework due Wednesday. I managed to do the worksheet section but tomorrow and Wednesday before class I will need to do the book work for the assignment. Shouldn’t take too long, just a matter of getting myself to do it. Speaking of math class, it was a drag like usual. Nothing of interest.

Tomorrow is English which hopefully will fly by. I need to start and finish the essay for Thursday. Knowing me I will wait until Wednesday night. I’ll try to start it tomorrow if I can pull myself to do it. The mid-term is due April 29th. I’ll probably look into it next week or so. Not too worried about it.

The last few days have been nothing really special. I haven’t gone anywhere. I haven’t done anything. I have been home most of the time spending half the day bored out of my mind. Even though there are probably a lot of things I could do I have very little motivation to do anything these days. Things aren’t holding my interest as much as they used to. Hell, I even avoided answering the phone of one of my friends who is back in town this week for spring break, but I can’t seem to make myself want to do anything so I never picked up. Being tired isn’t helping either. As for tonight I have had a pretty bad headache for the last few hours and my parents don’t help at all. I saw a damn good deal on the Blackberry Pearl which I have wanted for an upgrade but my parents aren’t willing to do anything until my plan expires in December and I know I’ll get fucked over waiting. Everything is just being a pain in the ass.

March has been shit. I’ll try not to jinx April.

My spring break is halfway over sadly. Guess I should get to my homework.

Spring break, whoo!