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Tag Archives: college

The string of dreams that have given me the big ol’ “WTF” feeling in the morning have continued the last few days. These new dreams have been increasing in number every night and have become more insane in terms of content. I really can’t put it together to make sense. I won’t even bother describing some of them because they are just out there. It is killing my sleep schedule and causing me to wake up every hour or so. I keep trying to stay awake during classes and even while driving. If it continues into the weekend I am going to see about getting some meds or something. Anything to stop this cycle. I can’t handle it anymore.

As for school, in math yesterday we had a test. I probably did horrible. All I ask for is a C at best. I really hate the class and teacher. Although over the last week or so I have gotten to know a few people a bit better in the class so we often make jokes and comment about each other. As for today we had a debate in English. The first debate was the pros and cons of gun control. I found myself in the group who were tasked with the cons. Since the group was me and two girls I had to hold it up pretty much on my own. I defended and countered arguments until the debate was over. The teacher declared both groups equal and we moved on to the next debate. In this debate, about the pros and cons of patriotism, I was a spectator. Both groups fought hard but in the end seemed equal. The teacher asked the rest of us if there was anything else they could have used. I spoke up and mentioned something which seemed to catch the teacher’s attention. Bonus points for me.

Now I am just waiting for the old folks to get the fuck off the TV so I can play some Mass Effect.

I’m blazing through the Dawn of War: Soulstorm campaign, literally. The Sisters of Battle have slaughtered the Space Marines, Imperial Guard, and the Orks. Those left will tremble with fear as I head towards them. The next on my list to annihilate are the Tau. Those fuckers are pissing me off and I want to steal their big space gun. Then it will be either the Eldar, Dark Eldar, Chaos, or Necrons. Should be interesting.

In school news, I have an essay, some math, and a computer science lab to do this weekend. My bullshit skills are preparing themselves.

Friday was quite the day. I woke up worried about my computer science test and how I needed to go to the student store and get a scantron for it. I headed out about ten minutes early so I could. As I was driving closer to the freeway I noticed something you don’t want to happen. The brakes on my car went out. My foot was pushing the brakes all the way down. My car just kept going. I got the “oh shit” look on my face as I carefully raced back home. I ran in the door and told my dad the situation and then said that I was going to take his car. I grabbed his keys and quickly swapped out important things for school. Once I was on the freeway I floored it. I parked in the closet spot I could find and jumped out heading for the student store. I made it there with eight minutes until the class. I saw Danny doing the same thing I needed to do. After grabbing the scantron I told him the details and he was surprised. We bought the thing and headed to the class barely making it in time. It also turned out that the test was easy.

Once school was over I headed home and my dad told me that my brake fluid was out so he bought a bottle and filled it. I was braking on air which doesn’t work like it does on trains sadly. I also reset the sensor so I will know next time.

The satellite dish is giving me trouble and I have a computer science test tomorrow. Who stole my fun?

It’s funny how everything in life is somewhat connected in some way you never figured. Hell, I just realized one today that I should have noticed months ago. It seems to be one of those things that escape thought. I’m going to go into detail about the particular connection but needless to say it seems everything comes full circle eventually.

On the other hand, I have noticed that innocence can die in a blink of an eye. How? Take this for example. I was eating lunch at the college today and I noticed a girl the next bench over. She was fairly cute and I noticed she was an art student (the canvas bag gives it away). From the looks of her she seemed intelligent, possibly a quiet one. Innocent one might say. I turned away to grab a bite and when I pulled my head back in range I noticed she was lighting a cigarette. Now I don’t smoke and I have friends on both sides of the line so I have a firm background with them but it seemed so wrong in this situation. An seemingly innocent girl doing something harmful to her body (I don’t want to start any big debate but we should all know by now what it can do). I was pretty turned off by that single action. It’s amazing how the smalled thing can have such a big impact.

Enough of my jabber for the night.

Today’s English proved to be lame once again. The teacher didn’t grade all the essays due to the jackasses who turned theirs in late so we get to wait until Thursday. For the rest of the class he had us get in groups and create a satirical paragraph or skit. When he let us start it was only one other person and myself. Five minutes later another came. Another five minutes and the last person came. While they dicked around I came up with a paragraph about hybrid cars that used soft drinks as an alternate fuel source. It would turn out that my brain managed to bullshit that pretty well without my useless group and class went by.

I got home and loaded Grand Theft Auto and finally beat the stupid fucking flight training missions. Such bullshit. Now I am in the Las Vegas style city and fighting mobsters. It’s getting hard now. As for the rest of my day I prepared my laptop with Songbird and uninstalled iTunes. It was acting screwy when I first put it on but after a reboot everything turned out fine. I plan to use it tomorrow to waste time in the lab.

As for computer science, one of the lab assignments is technically due tomorrow but since he hasn’t shown us how to do the format he wants I don’t see how he can ask for it. Hopefully he realizes this and puts it off until sometime next week. This will also give me more of an excuse to get those five hours in the lab. I am also a bit torn about my lab time for the class tomorrow as I need to go over some math for the test. I might end up leaving the house early tomorrow so I can get a little lab in before my computer science class and then get at least ten to fifteen in the math lab to study with Sable. We’ll have to see how that turns out.

Another week of school. Great. The good thing is that it is only four days, then a four day weekend, then another four day week. Thank you dead preisdents.

This morning I played some Grand Theft Auto: SA and the Xbox Live Arcade game Puzzle Quest which is pretty neat. I need to get my chick to a higher level as well as learn to solve the puzzles better. Then it came time to leave. The drive was pretty smooth. Only a little traffic near the school but managed to get there a little early. I drive fast. So what.

In Computer Science we started to mess with Visual Basic. Seems pretty simple for now. I’m sure it will get harder. I also have four hours of lab to make up but without knowing how to set it up right (the teacher hasn’t told us yet) I cannot do them. After Wednesday’s class I plan to get at least two hours done this week and then do the other two plus one more (as next week is week five). Hopefully that will balance it out.

During my break I helped Sable out in the math lab burning some extra hours away so I can sidetrack a bit and do the Computer Science lab this week and next week. Surprisingly I managed to stay awake today. I wanted to leave early but she pulled out a last minute activity for us to do. My little group managed to get most of it done extra for one problem we all forgot to do. Now I just have to prepare myself for the test Wednesday.

Tomorrow is my favorite short day. No, not because it is English. I don’t like the class. I only like the day because it is short. Anyway, I get my essay back tomorrow which I am hoping I did well on. I went over the page limit he wanted but I hope it helps me out in the long run. We’ll see. Hopefully class goes by quick. Then it will be back home to Grand Theft Auto.

Note: This is a fictional version of my Black Friday adventure. I changed or added details to please my teacher and/or get a good grade. Hopefully.

On my way home from a tiring Thanksgiving day I didn’t think about much except sleeping. When I arrived home I could drop like a rock. My mom came up and asked if I found anything in the newspaper ads as tomorrow was the shopper’s big dream and, at the same time, their worst nightmare. I tore through the ads and came upon Best Buy’s ad.


I have been wanting a laptop for the longest time and Black Friday was about as close as I could get to getting one in my eyes. Then it hit. As if a train smacked my face. I was fully awake after finding an amazing deal. The laptop was perfect. Had every feature I was looking for. Sleek black and silver design with all the bells and whistles I could imagine. The best part was the price was slashed in half. I had to get this.


I alerted the parents and they looked at me as if I was crazy. My dad pointed at the clock and said it is midnight. That doesn’t stop me. I stormed out of the house and rushed to the car. The night was pitch black. Most of the streets were empty, until I came to the freeway. The exits were packed as super shoppers tried to get to various midnight sales. It was madness. Cars backed up for miles. Luckily for me all I had to go was across town. After going through numerous light—green of course—and an overpass I came upon Best Buy. I glanced over to see how the line was. Surprisingly it didn’t look too long, but this would be an error of judgment.


I parked my car and started walking towards what I thought was the back of the line. To my disbelief the line wrapped around the side as I kept walking. Then I found it went around the backside. By now I was worried about defeat in my journey for the laptop. The line cut off around the loading area and that is where I took my stand. In front of me were a group of guys in their twenties, maybe low thirties, talking about random things such as what they wanted from the store. To my backside were a couple who wanted to get a global positioning system for their car. Best Buy was running a pretty good deal on them for Black Friday. The thing I did know was that all of us were in for a long wait. And the weather wasn’t too kind.


The air had it’s cold, tight grip on the bodies of the shoppers. Many slept in chairs and sleeping bags, others just wrapped themselves in blankets to keep warm. As we all eventually noticed was that time was going slow and this would be a long wait. The store wasn’t opening until 5 a.m. and it was just past midnight. I pulled out the ad again and I noticed that they would be handing out tickets to reserve things so you would get what you want. That would be two hours before opening. That meant there would be around fifteen laptops for me to try and get one. Although we had heard things travel down the line that people were cutting in front because of friends holding places for them. I also heard that many were here for laptops. My hopes and dreams started to fall.


As time flew by slowly in to the morning hours the grip of cold air tightened. I had been standing for a few hours now. My feet sore and my hands numb. Cars pulled up to their families and handed warm drinks to them. Every so often a police car would drive by slowly to watch for any wrong doing. Rumors were floating up and down the line about cars filled with teens egging the poor souls in line at other stores. Some thought it was paintball guns or even airsoft. No one was sure of anything except that they were in line, in the cold, waiting for something they might not get. Then it happened.


Four hours in to our frosty wait the line burst in to movement. Crazed shoppers rushed closer to the front of the store. The staff was handing out the tickets for the products in high demand. I was bunched between a large group as people were yelling to find out where the ticket people were. Many tried to cut only to be called out by those who were waiting. One employee walked by and said that the ticket people were coming and to just wait. The crowd grew aggravated. Many trying to find out what was going on. It was absolute madness. What did I get myself into?


Suddenly I heard a man yell out “cameras.” Others screamed to be heard over the crowd as the ticket person with the camera offers handed them out to those who were in the need of a ticket. “Televisions! Who wants a television!” The next ticket person made their way past the mutating blob that was the front of the line.


I listened for any sign of the laptop guy. Pushing my way through people I find the edge. Poking my head out I see another employee and question her.


“Where’s the laptop people?” I asked her over the crowd’s noise.


“They’re working their way down her. Just hold on and they will get here as soon as they can,” she quickly told me as she headed for the rear of the line.


That wasn’t good enough for some people. They screamed “Come on!” over the rest of the shoppers as I looked back to see if those originally around me had gotten what they wanted. The couple looking for the GPS system were still in need of a ticket. The group of guys in front of me split up during the rush of the ticket handouts. Some of them were looking for laptops themselves. We could either work against each other or try and form a mutual pact to find these elusive tickets. The challenge was on.


I tagged along as one of them infiltrated the tightly pact front. For the first time that night I heard the words “laptop” echo throw the cold air. My senses tried to pinpoint the location of the sound. The guy I followed pushed further to find out. I stood my ground as one person might be able to get through unnoticed. About a minute later he popped out of the mob to report that it wasn’t the laptop I wanted. I asked him if he heard anything about my model. He told me that the ticket person for it hadn’t come out yet. The wait was still on. We pulled back to our positions for now. When I returned the couple that wanted the GPS system received the ticket. They were one of the lucky ones who got what the wanted so far. I was still in the dark and cold, without the ticket to grant me what I wanted most.


It was almost 4 a.m. and I was still clueless as to where the coveted laptop tickets were for the model I wanted. The cold continued biting at my hands, ears, and nose. My feet feeling beaten under the weight of my body being on them for the past four hours. I felt worn, defeated even. No, this couldn’t be it. I had to continue. I was on a mission and there was no giving up. I had to do this until the end. I straightened my back and infiltrated the front once again with regained vigor. My eyes searching for any and all Best Buy employees. My ears taking in the sounds all around me searching for that magical word.


The crowed exploded. A roar took over the early morning air. Screaming, pleading, begging for attention. He was out in the open. My eyes and ears locked in. In his hands were twenty folders. Twenty tickets. Twenty chances. The 5% chance. It was all or nothing.


“Over here!”


“Come on! I need one!”


“They cut the line!”


“What are you doing!? What about us!?”


The crowd was unrelenting. Outbursts sent shock waves into the ears of those in line. I continued to find my way through the crowd. I stood on my toes to see how many he had left. Seventeen. Then thirteen. Then nine. Then five. Five remained. The fate of the laptop started to cloud my mind. Was it all over? Then I happened.


“The tickets for this laptop are gone!”


I stopped. Shocked. Unable to move. My mind blanked. No, it couldn’t be. How was this possible? In ten minutes they were gone. All of them. Gone. I felt defeated. No, that’s not it. I felt cheated. I did not stand for four hours in line only to fail. This isn’t true. There has to be more. Then the sad reality hit. I slowly crept back to my spot thinking that I still might be able to find something when the store opened. At that moment I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around.


In my very eyes was a folder. The ticket. The gateway to my laptop. I looked up to see who held this valued object in front of me. To my disbelief it was the man I followed earlier. He had managed to grab two knowing that I wanted one. I was speechless. I manged to utter out a “thank you.” He responded with a “no problem.” I had in my hands the thing I had waited so long for. Being that the crowd was so hungry for what I carried made me a target. I hid the precious folder in my jacket and awaited the opening of the store.


The clocked ticked on the five. It was opening time. The doors slowly opened as the mob of relentless shoppers poured through as if an invading army of vikings, maybe barbarians. I got through with some effort involved and rushed to the line to pickup what I had so wished for. Luckily for me the store was warm and the new line I waited in wasn’t too long. I was out in fifteen minutes.


As I got home the sun rose over the horizon and I was a tired man. I entered the house with my new toy and a proud grin on my face. My parents—rested and reading the newspaper—turned to see me—my worn and cold self—and shrugged. I felt proud and crashed on my bed. It was time to rest for I had one hell of early morning. All I knew was that it doesn’t hurt to meet people when both are in need of something common, for it had helped me score big. I had won the blitz of Black Friday. What a feeling.

I headed to school as if any other day only to find that my English class had been canceled. What a waste of gas. So what did I do instead? Go to the mall of course! I went to Best Buy and Gamestop and was able to retrieve “the package.” When I left the mall and headed towards the car I called my mom. Turns out she was there too at JCPenneys so I went back in. After the mall I followed her back to town and to the church where our voting place was. After getting the form I headed to the little booth thing. Obama, check. Props, yes, no, no, no, no, no. Done. Handed it in, got my sticker, and headed home. For the rest of the day I played “the package.”

I really need to start that essay. Fuck.

It’s Super Tuesday which means I get to vote for the first time ever. After I finishing zoning out in English I will be heading back to town and meeting with my mom to vote. Obama will be getting my vote. How could you not like this guy? As for the props, I don’t give two shits. I don’t care about Indians and their fucking casinos. After voting I will be heading to the stores trying to locate “the package.” You’ll know if I get it or not.

I also need to start my four page essay sometime soon since it is due Thursday. Hopefully I can pull myself away from “the package” long enough to bullshit my way through it. On another note, I still have yet to get my 360 back and it is pissing me off.