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Tag Archives: paycheck

I have been tired as hell lately. Work has eaten up the last week or so, although I can’t really complain since it will mean a decent paycheck (and since I don’t have anymore debt I’ll be extra happy). My days have been pretty slow and boring before work. As for work I have been training for photo as of Saturday. Going pretty smooth so far. I have only made one decent sized mistake but aside from that doing ok. Just a matter of remembering how to do it. The other thing I have to get do is manage my time better. Not only am I in photo but I also have other duties that need to get done throughout my day. It probably will take me a little bit to get used to it. I start solo in photo on Monday. It’s going to a nervous day.

All I know is that I want Civilization Revolution ASAP but there is still two or so weeks until it does. The best part is I have three days off to play it when it does. That fucking rocks.

Also, Tube Tuesday is done for a little while. I don’t have time to do much ‘tube browsing to find anything.

I was enjoying my day off yesterday until around 4:20pm when I received a call from one of the assistant managers asking if I could come in because one of the scheduled couldn’t show for whatever reason. I told them that I would (the extra cash is the only positive thing) and so I cleaned up and headed over. Fairly easy shift. Just one minor thing to make it less than perfect. One lady bought a phone card and when you get one a special paper prints up. I gave it to her when she was a checkout. A little later I was over at Taco Bell for lunch when one of the other guys comes over and tells me that she came in again asking for it. I told him I gave it to her so it she probably lost it or threw it out. He goes back and after lunch I check with the assistant manager about it. She tells me that the lady did a return and re-bought it to get the paper. She also told me to make sure they know what it is and I said I would. Now I get to go in today to get ready for the transfer to photo. Hopefully I deal with less annoying people. I am really going to enjoy my day off tomorrow. I don’t want to work for a fifth day straight.

Also, I get my first paycheck on Friday. Should be hefty.

My time off is closing up. I head back to work tonight and tomorrow before I get another day off. Not too bad. I think I can handle it.

In other news I got my debit card in the mail so I need to activate it sometime today. Although I’m still waiting for my paycheck before I start using it. Hopefully that comes soon as well.